Friday, March 28, 2008

Today a funny thing happened....

A little girl asked me why my skin is brown.

It was one of those moments when the kids are getting to know you, you're actually having fun coaching them, you can tell they like you, and then boom they start asking personal questions. My spurofthemoment answer? Cuz people are different.
Seemed to work.
Follow up question: where are you from?
The Caribbean, how about that?!!

This was during a water break. So the session continues and later I only had to deal with more innocuous inquiries such as what was my favourite colour. But it really makes me stop to take stock of how much of an influence I have on the kids I work with, the things they pick up from me other than soccer, the things they might think of me as a person, how I make them think of things.... New team for Spring, it's gonna be an interesting season.


Maria Eduarda said...

I would have answered "cause when my mom was pregnant she spent too much time in the sun" ;)

ttfootball said...

hence validating my favourite statement about you: you like trouble

Maria Eduarda said...

I KNEW you were gonna say that!!!!!!!!! :)

lime said...

you really do have a lot of influence.

similarly, when my dear friend in t'dad was watching my very pale, red-headed toddler and took her for a walk some little boy saw her and asked, "whappen to she skin? she bade and all she color wash off?" i love the curiosity of children

Skettleton said...

lol@lime that was cute.

My son decided the other day that I was definitely his mother because we had the same colour skin, then he made me put my face next to his in the mirror to confirm.

He wasn't too happy when I pointed out to him that his father was a slightly different brown from the two of us and that grampa was darker as well and yet we were all related.

ttfootball said...

do kids notice these things all on their much of it is "handed down" much of it is society influence...Makes me think of Obama's "white person" comment lol