Sunday, April 04, 2010

the Great Metaphor III

Sometimes there are things that show up in your life that prove to be huge obstacles, things you need to fight through, overcome... long term events that you wonder when will you get through it, when will things go back to "normal"; how do you even know? For me one such event was my knee surgery, rehab, and the annoying brace i wore afterward. Of course the whole thing started playing football..I lunge...knee goes to one side..there ya go, torn ACL.

Then comes the being brave, the going through the surgery, the starting the rehab with a severely atrophied leg, getting rid of the crutches, getting rid of the whole leg brace that kept my knee straight, going on to the one that was supposed to let me be fully functional. Although really... it was less of an issue of function - in fact it was sometimes an encumbrance - and more of an issue of psychological security to feel that I had some support, something keeping my knee together until I had recovered my strength. Thing is... you need to take it off to know if you have recovered your strength.

Summer comes around and I try to start playing again...but everything is SO unsure. Its like you're out there having a good time and then it all goes wrong... then you're not sure how to go out and have a good time again. It all comes to a head one evening at camp, coaches scrimmage, co-ed of course. I'm chillin, wearing my brace, getting into the game, things going ok.

Here comes the pass to me... its short... this is going to be a 50/50 with one of the guys closing in fast. I am NOT going to stick my leg in there. So I lunge forward to fake as if I would challenge for it. Hopefully he does the same and misses, its rolls by and I get it. Noooo. He apparently read my intentions and comes sliding in as the ball gets to me. Sliding. In all honesty its a beautiful tackle. He gets the ball lodged against my shins and his momentum takes him past me. I'm now airborn as he slides under. I land on my feet and recover the ball, which managed to stay in front of me, and kept on playing.

"whooooaaaa! are you ok?!?!?"
"yea...I'm totally fine" (surprise in my voice)
"thats what you needed!"

Yep, sometimes you just need a good hit to figure out you'r ok.

1 comment:

lime said...

that's a terrific i am sure my son will come to appreciate sooner rather than later as he has a torn meniscus, which will likely need surgery.