Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Why Wednesday - Are we stupid or what?

Ok I know in my first why wednesday I said I was really much into politics but hey current affairs affects us all and you should have SOME idea of what's going on in the world. My question for today is:

Why do politicians and public administrators purport to insult our intelligence by making statements contrary to or severely downplaying current news reports? Or making statements that completely bypass the core issue?

I can understand to some extent the need to try to seem in control or avoid any public outcry or hysteria, but come on now... what is a "phased redeployment" of troops? Are we meant to think it's a withdrawal or are they really just putting the same troops in another area of Iraq? And are we really supposed to believe that no more urgent action is being taken to deal with the nuclear bomb-building religious fanatics out there?
And on the homefront (Trinidad), National Security Minister, on the issue of unauthorised prisoner comminication with media houses said that prison regulations stated that prisoners were forbidden to use cellphones to communicate with those beyond the prison walls. Now tell me why prisoners have cellphones in the first place? Are they calling each other WITHIN the prison walls "aye boy wha goin on over by your cell block? I comin' over to lime a while so we could plan a lil' riot"

Sometimes you really have to ask yourself...


lime said...

i'm sorry but LMAO @ the prison cellphone conversation....

ttfootball said...

Limey could u imagine?!

lime said...

sadly yes!