Sunday, March 11, 2007

my lovely car

His name is Strippalingur

Now that I am in the safe warmth of Florida, I can afford myself a moment to talk about my now far-away HEATLESS car. Yes heatless. I drive a car that has no heat, in the winter, in the northeast United States. Can you imagine?!?!? Its a bitch to be broke. Above is a picture of him in better times (yes its a "he") And the name? its icelandic meaning "one who strips" (correct me if I'm wrong) The previous owner(s) were Icelanders, my very good friends, and they named him due to the fact that people often stripped in there i.e. changing clothes mostly, myself included, but by the time it was my turn he had already been named. I always wondered if cars are usually male in Iceland, given that they are usually referred to as female in the U.S., and generally neutral in Trinidad: "it" is just fine.

Anyhooo, Strippalingur was on loan to me one summer when he had his little mishap, I will never forget the smell of coolant, nor the sight of the bright green running into the gutter. When the owner returned, she drove it around until the following spring (still heatless), whereupon I was again loaned and eventually sold him. The deal was cut for one hundred american dollars. Yep one hundred. What great friends huh!? or maybe what a crap car? LOL LOL LOL!!!! Well it worked out well for everyone, they got rid of the car easily, helped me out, I got a cheap car, and now a couple years later he has WAY outlasted his expected lifespan...

...notwithstanding the heating problem hahaha. It sometimes amazing to think that there is this big ass hot thing right in front of me yet inside the car like the artic circle. I fully dressed in the car, mittens and all, driving down the road, "smoke" coming out my mouth, American Airlines blanket on my lap, turning on cold air to clear the windscreen. LOL! Its classic!! If the bitter cold spell keeps up I am going to have to get more of those instant heat things for my hands and feet so I don't have to stop at every rest stop to warm up. My sense of humour must be seriously twisted!! Or maybe its the cold getting to me hehehe

Strippalingur has been quite loyal to us all over these few years, lots of good times, a few not so good but still memorable ones ;-) I still keep his old plates in the trunk, along with the Iceland sticker on the back, which is now kept company by a Trinidad one. It'll be a sad day when I eventually have to say goodbye to him but for now he's going strong! and I look forward to the warmer days again when I can drive him in relative comfort.

Note to self: first coaching paycheque, go to Valvoline for the Radiator Service.

Till nex time.........


lime said...

you know, i am doubly impressed that a trini tolerates this sort of cold in a car. gyul yuh blood mus be gettin real tick tuh be takin on such cold!

Oswyn said...

lol, ttfootball, gyul, I love your car. Ditto what lime says. I like the part where you drive with mittens on. But ah doh understand. Where the heat does come from? Not the engine self? How it is, yuh not getting none? Well yes, you is a true true college student.

ttfootball said...

Imported comments:

You know, instead of paying a lot of money to maintain the car, you should considering buying a new one. Just another cheap one, but a little better, and with heat. :)
By the way, in portuguese we refer to car as male as well. "O" carro :)
But motorcycles are female...go figure.


i'm not paying alot to maintain it, thats the point, I get what is preventive maintenance at the suggested mileage. It was due for this service at the last oil change but i couldnt afford it. Wanna send me $70?


What do I get in return? :P


Continued friendship LOL LOL LOL!!!! o and maybe a visit to your new house if he is up to it ;-)

Anonymous said...

No not all cars are male, but most, some are female... just depends! A friend of mine has a yellow Opel Corsa and "she" is called Pamela and "the yellow lighting".... Its just depends on how you feel about your car! But the word for car in icelandic is male so that is probably why most people give them male names! And yeah I miss my Strippalingur! :) he was good to us.... memories :D