Friday, March 09, 2007

life in school

I am now only one class away from completing my MBA! Isn't that great?! I am thoroughly fed up of being in school. I realise that most other blogs I read, where I find other people studying, they also have full time jobs. Sometimes I feel like some part of my life is slipping by having been away from the corporate world for so long now. Makes it sound like I would love to be “working for the man” doesnt it. Well thats not totally it. There is something about only studying at my age that is....maybe its simply not what I had envisioned. Getting to class and seeing so many people in the MBA program that have clearly just come straight from work, I think “ya know, I really should be working by now.” Sometimes I'm disappointed in not replacing a class or 2 with an internship, but then I am already a graduate assistant, which by the way pays my entire tuition, so no time for an internship. While I'm rambling: a lot of this comes from the fact that I am micromanaged at my graduate job and ultimately relieved (by said micromanager) of some jobs, responsibilities, and maybe even projects, which makes the hours utterly boring and NOT the job-like experience it is supposed to be.

Can't wait for spring coaching to begin. I'm SO excited!! Already planning stuff in my head...what I want to teach the fun team and how to take on the sucky team haha. AND playing again! With a TEAM! YAY! I even have options of teams (which reminds me I have to write some emails when I'm done). This means that I have to intensify the workouts which were getting left behind in the push to complete 2 classes last week. Now its all ME and football, what could be better? I think I am meant to be a coach... hmmm... maybe after playing in the spring, I can see how much I am meant to still be a top level player. But lets take one step at a time, up next, spring coaching.

I can just see it now: my one remaining class getting left in the dust LOL, me as usual doing a 15-page paper the day before it's due hahaha, anything to make things exciting. As a positive step, I am going to try to do my 3-pager during spring break YEAH RIGHT. Operative word there was “try”. Hey I'm already being productive and writing this in the airport. Yes i'm en route between negative and positive temperature readings. Hopefully by the time I make the return trip it'll be positive again in the northeast. Anyways..about to board in a few so

till nex time........


lime said...

it will feel really good to finish. and where ya headed?

Meghan said...

have fun! i used to do all my papers the night before as well. i think my record was a 20 pager. needless to say it was an all-nighter ;)