Friday, October 13, 2006

Chutney? huh??

no not the stuff you eat!! It's MUSIC!

Regarding my previous post, a couple people told me "chutney" would NOT be readily understood by all. Duh...I shoulda thought about that! damn.

Ok so in Trinidad we have QUITE the mixed population, of which about 40% are of Indian descent (Indian meaning from India). Arriving in Trinidad as indentured labourers in 1845, they have thus contributed much to the Trinidadian culture, festivals, food, and music, having passed down customs and songs from generation to generation. The name "chutney" I suppose gives a hint as to the flavour of this genre: generally hot and spicy. It basically follows the rhythm of Hindi classical music but has come to incorporate the flavour of other ethnic groups, and music on the island. It is sung in Hindi or English and can cover any topic you like. I just found this link from Wikipedia, you can read more and explore on your own if you like, but I wasn't too far off the mark myself.

Here's some samples of chutney music in Hindi, English, or you can try some Chutney-Soca if you like. I had a hard time today finding Chutney-parang samples. Maybe for a future Christmas/parang post I'll upload something.


*music samples from Toronto-Lime


Icahwait* said...

My nickname at work is Chutney. They couldn't understand that I was talking about Jet li, and they thought I was saying Chutney. I don't know. Its stuck now.

Anonymous said...

Shubh Divali!!