Monday, April 23, 2007

Radio shows

No I'm not going to talk about Imus or whoever else there is. Fact is I've probably only ever listened a handful of times to any radio talk in this country, even the couple times i've listened to stations from New York or Tri-state area, they tend to be either boring or over-the-top. Thus after I happened to be awake last Thursday to listen, I confirm or re-affirm The Morning Drive with Paul & Nikki on 96.1FM (Trinidad& Tobago) to be my favourite radio show ever!

According to Wikipedia 96.1 is thought of as "young people ting" which may or may not be true since I wouldn't consider the presenters to be of that age group. I must agree with the assessment that they approach all issues with "a level of fairness" and make listeners aware of pressing issues. They have been accused in the past of being partisan; personally I feel this is because of entertaining calls from certain regular callers who were clearly for or against a certain political party.

So since last week I have been inspired to try to get up early and listen in, it was a great start to the day, good laughs. Its great to have a hearty laugh at 7:30am. Reminded me of back in the days at home, getting ready for school, and later getting ready for work, listening in. Then hoping the maxi I got had 96.1 playing (until i got my discman w/ radio hehe) Allyuh remember when Nikki used to just have the lil 5-min "nikki says" thing before the 7:25 news? That was when I started liking her, she seemed to really think through those segments as it was going on national radio lol. She has really matured as a comedienne since (notwithstanding the forays into soca, lawd) and she and Paul make for an entertaining duo.

The day I listened, I'm not quite sure if there was any specific topic: callers talked about Akon of course, the policeman who has missed 25 court dates to prosecute a child abuser/molester/murderer, the widespread water shortages. But for me the hit of the day was the new Prime Minister's Residence which is being constructed at record speed (while the Grand Stand remains untouched) on the grounds of the Botanical Gardens at a cost of TT$148mill. A man calls in and talks about it and requests a song for PM Manning. Well they certainly had it in for him!

"and now we have a special selection for Manning..." Of all the songs to play, they put on "It's my House" by Diana Ross LOL And you bet they are singing along:

It's my house, and I live here
(so hall allyuh tail)
It's my house, and I live here
(one four eight Million)

Cuz it's built with looooooove
(taxpayers money)
An it cuttin thruuuu
De botanical gardennnss

Let me tell you, I had to catch my breath laughing!! That was the funniest thing in a loooong time. I miss listening to them I realise...listening to my own accent, the jokes, the "pong" LOL I just might start getting up a bit earlier to listen and have a pleasant start to the day.
Till tomorrow...
(yes "till tomorro", i have taken a challenge from Lime to post for 5 consecutive days, who tell me do dat :-/)

1 comment:

lime said...

lol, yuh takin me up on dis den....ok....i have to work on this challenge yo uissued me.....i'll try to have it up for next week.