Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Unfortunately my "return blog" has to be about my dog Toffey, who sadly fell ill and passed away last week. Soundin nice eh? haha. He "passed away". De damn dog dead. The story is he get sick, stop eating only drinking water. Then I suppose they (my mom or my nephew) found him on the side of the house not moving and realise he dead. I was happy to hear they didnt throw him in the river which runs maybe a 150 meters from my house. Instead a friend who come all the time to lime by me, dig a hole in the yard and bury the dog. Apparently they had a lil service an ting, my nephew cry, awww. I'm sorry but I had to laugh when my Mom say they light a candle! LOL Somehow she is always the one there when the dog dead (my father is visiting in NY at the moment). The one before was the same thing: come and put her head through the burglar-proof in the front and stay there and dead and my mother was all sad. So the nex summer when I went home I get a nex dog, Toffey, to keep them company as I up here. He was truly a fun and happy dog, yuh know the dogs with the smile? And he had a lil dreadlocks, two strands, one on each side coming from just behind his ears, it gave him character. Unlike the previous dog, he would never run out when the gates was open, and would furiously guard each one, having his own lil way between the plants to get from one to the other. And most of all, when I started goin home only for Xmas, he would remember me :-) He DAMN WELL better had after I keep him in my room in de night through the cryin when he was small! So here's to my dog, now I feel sad as I'm writing this and reflecting....

I wonder if I should really get them another... I could probably arrange it from here, but then is them who go have to take it if he/she cry in the night in the beginning... and then the nex time I visit, the dog eh go know me! Pressha! Hmm...I have to think about this one...

Till nex time


Maria Eduarda said...

I'm sorry to hear that Janelle. Dogs are an extremely important part of my family (as you must have realized when you saw those christmas pictures). They are like our kids. When one of them, Amelie, passed away two years ago, I was completely devastated, and would be again if something happened to the other ones in Brazil.
I always tell my family I miss the dogs more than I miss them, because with the people I can talk on the phone anytime, but not with the dogs. :)
Anyway, hope your family gets through it, and you should ask your mother if she even wants another one.

lime said...

aww, i'm sorry about toffee...