Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The Scandinavians in my life

ok as promised, I am back after the hectic week last week, all graduated and everything now :) Now I've slept late for 2 mornings and have a bit of focus back now to do this, not to mention the pressure is on as some of the following people are actually looking out for this post:

a small sample

Hanna, Aase, Maria, Jennie, Anne, Stine, Sandra, Lilja, Rut, Hildur, Tove, Amanda, Erik, Andrea, Annika, Sara, Thora, Sigurros, Therese, Johanna, Sofia B, Camilla, Maja, Sofia H, Linda, Cecelia, Malin, Pernilla, Sofie, Hilmar, Hans, Siv, Henning, Magnus.

Isn't that cool?! A small paragraph! Consisting of Swedes, Icelanders, and Norwegians, in the ratio of 10:3:3, I suppose reflecting the general ratio of swedes. Over the years there has been varying levels of intimacy, which is just a fancy way of saying I knew/know some of them better than others :-) And to be honest I wish I had gotten to know more of them alot better. Anyways, they have all in some way had some influence in my life, again some more critical than others but I will proudly claim the ability to recall a moment of fun, a laugh, a drink, a smile, with each of them.

From the beginning, its been good. Really rough at times but that is to be expected with any new experience: my coming to school here and then rooming at close quarters with a Norwegian. Turned out to one of the best things ever to happen to me. What a great friend! Took some figuring out, but then... they all kinda take some figuring out. In my first year there was also a Swede: a most non-typical swede as I came to realise after another couple years, she was real impulsive, and wasnt too level-headed. Later on I met another who had some of the same qualities but not as pronounced. Still good-natured though.

Second year two more Norwegians and two more pleasant, friendly, and thoughtful people. Then I got to Bridgeport (current location) where began the cascade of Swedes and Icelanders, starting with my coach who happened to be another non-typical swede. Although I can't quite explain how, even though I know another 30 of them now, I know he's just different, maybe too Americanised or something, I still find it amusing to hear him speaking swedish.

So what's "typical"? well I already touched on a few characteristics not the least of which is being good-natured, they dont go around being aggressive or in a bad mood. In general, if you see that then theres a problem. More or less straightforward in their approach, they say what they mean. BUT the thing I MUST really mention is that of those that I have met: these must be the most patient people in the world! Probably a function of the above, they take alot of shit from people, yet seem to always take their time to try to figure things out, not necessarily letting things slide but always keeping cool. Amazes me. Also good listeners.

Such a level headed approach to life must be difficult to maintain, but as I mentioned, I have also met some that didnt fit the mold. They say variety is the spice of life hehe and damn sure! the 2 or 3 exceptions provided entertainment and stress alike. Impulsive decisions, statements, and unexpected actions (all of which were magnified since none of these are associated with nordic people therefore unexpected x 2) brought laughs as well as uncomfortable moments. All part of the experience I guess.

I remember covering different cultures in an International Business class, one of which was the Scandinavian. Theoretically, they are supposed to be quite a reserved people and I think they would agree to that description...to some extent...with a big HOWEVER at the end. Like anyone else, they like to have fun, and most can drink like Vikings of old, a trait which most are proud of. lol. And you know what else? After you get to know them, and they you, quite an affectionate people in their own way, not all cold like one might think. In fact I consider some of my closest friends Scandinavians.

Ok well its pretty late now, and I've covered the major traits. I know some would have liked me to do a separate post for each group but really, what does it matter? unless I was going to get into a description of each person. I love you all! Never met one I couldn't get along with.

So here's to a great people, good friends and most of all to my next visit! skål/skál!


RennyBA said...

First of all congrats with your graduation and all!!

No wonderful everything went on brilliant at school for you with such great influence from all these Scandinavians.

The way you describe them, especially the Norwegians is hitting the nail on head! We might be a bit reserved, but there is a big However when you get to know us:-)

Tomorrow is the 17th of May you know and we will wave our flags and celebrate the constitutional day - and of course drink like Vikings LoL

lime said...

hey girl, congratulations on graduating!

good post, it's always so fascinating when different cultures bump up against each other and they can learn from each other. glad you made some really special friends. :)

ttfootball said...

Thank you both of you! :D Graduation was great, not to mention partying at night ;-)

Renny it really is a big However hehe, I feel the need to meet more Norwegians tho...hmm

Lime its been great, definitely have a special place in my heart for them.

Anonymous said...

Huvudet på spiken JJ...U hit the nail on the head something...quite good observations I must say. U've had the privilege to meet a bunch of scands and u've discovered traits like the drinkin anything like a viking thingy ;-), which might have been something u observed when liming with ur latest swergens, i doubt it thou as u've been around a lot of scands before us. good job! puss o kräm

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...


After studying us from a Trini point of view in so many years, I must say you know us pretty well ;)
That's us in a nutshell ;)
Happy May 17th!! (and the day of our big-truck Boston trip! hehe.. )

We're luvable!!! ;)

..and so are you!
Miss ya!

Meghan said...

Congrats on graduating girl! :) What are your plans now?