Wednesday, May 30, 2007

falken sykkelregister

I've been meaing to do this since the scandinavian post as I was chatting with one of those friends and this came up:

Her: ....and took the bus home from [ ], just to discover that my bike was stolen!!!
Trini to de bone says:
your bike was stolen?!?!?!
people steal things over there?
her: yes
Trini to de bone says: damn
been lots of raids of East-Europeans having large trucks and just stealing every bike, so it must be one of them
so u mean u can get it back somehow?
I'll report it to the police
they left the lock, so I'll bring it as evidence
i'm sorry but this is hilarious!
u live in a country where u report a BICYCLE theft to the police
thats fucking AWESOME!!
and then each bike has a registration-number, so I'll report that and they'll look for it
a registration number!!!?
it gets better and better!!
the suck-part is, that I've been thinking about getting an extra insurance on my bike, but I postponded it until [we moved] so i wouldnt have to go through the address change

of course we do
it's a theft
u MUST see my viewpoint on this?!
i guess....
but still
we put an whole lot of money in it, soo...
this is just amazing
you skiped that extra insurance part?
yeah i was laughing too much
you get a sticker on your bike and it will be registered in an official thingi..
a registar for bikes
no way!
heck yea!
this is killing me!
seriously: can I blog this one?

Can you imagine?! I couldn't stop laughing through this whole conversation LOL She have de lock as evidence! LMAO!!! I jes picturing myself goin in the police station in trinidad an tellin them my bike get tief LOL LOL LOL And the insurance!! She have insurance! I wanted to be a smartass and ask if it was collision insurance HAHA But i can understand how annoyed she must have been so i didnt push it.

I was so completely amused by the thought of such a system, I was thinking "MAN! I GOTS to go spend a whole year over there!" Another friend, when I asked her, said O yeah if you see a bike you dont touch it in case its evidence or something. Somehow I thought of getting on the trams via ANY open door and people going automatically to dip their farecards at the boxes throughout the tram. Its the idea of doing the right thing I htink...having such a different mindset... knowing that small things can have a ripple effect. And expecting quite rightly that good will come back to you if you do your part. Planning with confidence to report your stolen bicycle!

I just realised i never got an update on this... i hope she does get it back after i laughed so much!
Till nex time...


lime said...

yeh gyul, it ain't like in trini when we were robbed at gunpoint in our own house and even our friend who was a cop tell us....yes, if they recover yuh tings the cops will tief outta that what they tink is good.

is good to know some places have honest people.

RennyBA said...

Of course I have my bike registered in Falken Sykkelregister and I'm sure your friends gets her bike back:-)

Anonymous said...

Feel free to copy and paste the following story from my spaceworld here as well ;)